Firstly we identify the desired goals and you choose your own steps and speed at which you are happy to achieve them. Most sessions would follow similar protocol but are aways tailored to clients individual needs.
Each session creates a process that supports you in making better choices in your life that will bring about the change you want. We simulate and visualise a better positive future and altered behaviour patterns. The neuroscience is very helpful here for us to understand why we behave in certain way and what we can do to change it. You begin to understand the basis of unwanted behaviour or conditions that traps us sometimes in a vicious circle.
In each session, we’ll discuss progress towards your goals and further achievable steps towards you sustaining your wellbeing. Working one to one gives us the opportunity to bespoke the trance session to your situation and preferences.
The second part of our session is very relaxing and this is where you can enjoy the power of trance. You will make yourself comfortable, either sitting or lying and I will guide you into a deep state of relaxation and trance. Your mind becomes more responsive to suggestions, supporting you in the process of making changes by giving your mind a chance to find new solutions to issues, rewrite old and sabotaging behaviour patterns and being more aware of your inner strengths that can support you in sustaining change and to recognising patterns of desired change.
A common worry is that you will lose your control and will be under the control of hypnotist.. You will be always in full control – able to hear, move, and stop the session at any time. You will be simply in a state of focused attention, similar to daydreaming. Because it is your mind, you choose whether you want to enter into a deep state of relaxation or not.
Visualisation and the Miracle Question both allow the brain to go through ‘practice runs’ before we put our plans into action – and achieve the progress to your own goal and finally success! All sessions are strictly confidential.
We use different techniques and treatment protocols and work very fast. The number of session is nor rigidly subscribed as each client brings a range of different issues and requires an individual attention. It is important to emphasise that client is always in control. The treatment is jointly agreed and customised to his individual needs.
Generally speaking, the general treatment sessions would range from 6 – 12 sessions. The Phobia treatment requires 3 sessions. Stop smoking session is one 2 hours session.
I offer all my new clients a FREE NO – OBLIGATION 60 min appointment.